Well, I thought I was never gonna learn FLASH, turns out I just need to frickin' apply myself. PSYCH! I just put a movie together through Windows Movie Maker with some pics that I got from aerisdies.com and used Motley Crue's "Piece Of Your Action." YES EVERYTHING IS PROPERLY CITED!!! (damn plagiarizing laws. Makin' everything so damn complicated. >_<) Anyway, I hope those who see it, vote 5 and I'll try to make more movies and then import them to FLASH so I can submit them later.
~See Ya~
hey bro srry about tha nasty comment I left u b4 I wasnt havin a good day n kinda took it out on u...srry
but hey u gotta luv wut u luv bro
good luck 2 u in ur future projects
-Poco Loco
Well thank you for coming forth 3 WEEKS LATER! >_> You could've been a bit quicker about apologizing. And maybe if you know something about FLASH, we could do a collab. Me as the author you as the artist/animator w/e it's called. That would make me feel a bit better about that comment you left me.